Devotion: Content?

Isaiah 26:3- You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. NIV

Waiting in line behind three women at the book store recently, I indulged in what every woman does. I compared myself to others. I studied the woman first in line wearing a pair of those pajamas that almost pass for street clothes, but not quite. I’m better dressed than she, I thought. Check. But her posture was perfect. She carried herself like royalty. I straightened my shoulders, but knew I didn’t even come close.

The second woman carried a stack of books. She's smarter than I. Well, maybe some of the books are gifts for others, I thought. In any case, I'm smart enough to read and I do have shelves of books at home. But still, so many books.

The third woman had two perfectly behaved little girls beside her. Mine never stood still in the store when they were little. Two are boys. Does that make a difference?

What am I doing comparing myself to others? I wondered. Does God care how stylish I dress? How smart I am? Whether or not my children stood still in a store? Doesn't He care more about how I trained them up? How I allow Him to penetrate my mind and grow my faith? That I wear the face of Christ to show others I care about them?

I smiled remembering God makes us unique. I don't need to compare myself to others. He gives each one special gifts to be used for His purpose. Knowing that, I can be content with how He formed me and grateful for His generosity.

Lord of good gifts, help us never waste time equating ourselves to others, but to be satisfied to keep our sights on You, developing the talents and skills You bestow on us so we may bring glory to Your holy name.  Amen.